Sunday afternoon with Toronto and Will was an amazing day. E.T. was full throttle out and about in the middle of the Forest. He also met Whiskey at the “Little Red School House”, what a crazy bird. He saw a falcon munch on his prey (two tiny mice), the eyes went first. It was wonderful we enjoyed one of the nicest days of March in the semi-wilderness we call a Forest Preserve. My little guy was enjoying nature for the very first time and it was an amazing journey for him. He starred at the water that moved in the stream, and was just curious of the many noises the Forest offers. He broke off a few small branches and squinted as the sun rays crept into the forest’s dome. He kicked his legs to and fro as Daddy carried him in the baby pack. The only noises I was able to hear were tiny shrieks of happiness, and excitement surrounded by the calm sounds of earth’s best. Our nature hike was by far a huge stimulation to his ever growing brain and imagination. Now that spring is slowly becoming tangible I can’t wait to see and help him grow. I got to feed my son in the middle of the Forest. We had a mini picnic set up. I even changed his diaper! Believe it or not that was fun. While he lay on the sleeping bag he immediately began to reach for the once green foliage. It was like a cool toy for him. It crinkled in his hand and felt different than what his usual textured toys do. The sun started going down as soon as we finished our lunch. It all happened in perfect time for E.T. to get back into the car and start snoring.
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